- Tomáš Jajtner
Apocalyptic Kingship, Harmony and Political Expediency: the Challenges and Paradoxes of Andrew Marvell’s “First Anniversary” - Francisco José Cortés Vieco
Unravelling the Body/Mind Reverberations of Secrets Woven into Charlotte Brontë’s Villette - Maroš Buday
From One Master of Horror to Another: Tracing Poe’s Influence in Stephen King’s The Shining - >Christoph Houswitschka
“This fabulous flotsam”: Michael Moorcock’s Urban Anthropology in “London under London” - Isabel Alonso-Breto
“A Poetics of Disruption”: Farida Karodia’s A Shattering of Silence and the Exiled Writer’s Dihiliz Position - >Ladislav Nagy
Landscapes of History in the Novels of Lawrence Norfolk - Robert Kusek
Upheavals of Emotions, Madness of Form: Mary M. Talbot’s and Bryan Talbot’s Dotter of Her Father’s Eyes and a Transdiegetised (Auto)Biographical Commix - Elena Tyurkan (Belichenko)
Holistic Linguistics: Anthropocentric Foundations and the Functional-Cognitive Paradigm - Ghaleb Rabab’ah and Ronza Abu Rumman
Hedging in Political Discourse: Evidence from the Speeches of King Abdullah II of Jordan - Martin Adam
Presentation Sentences (Syntax, Semantics and FSP)